
I just try to put color into this grey world


Publicerad 2012-08-01 11:46:17 i My Life, Photograph,

So I was in copenhagen for the first time in years! of course I've been there when I've went by train to my mom, but I haven't actually walked around there. So we sen to Ströget and searched for the Illum shopping centre, because I read that Sephora was supposed to be in there. Sadly I don't have any pictures from the Sephora store, I was too excited for my own good. I was running around for 1 hour and a half before I decided what to get. After that we went to Christiana (the only place in Denmark where it is legal to sell and smoke Weed) and there I was not alloud to take pictures, Whitch I understand, but I really loved the feeling of that place. Everyone was so happy and calm (sure, most of the people were stoned) but som of them weren't and it made me think alot about weed and stuff.
Enough blabbering, Here are some pictures from my Copenhagen tripp.
Rådhusplatsen, they were renovating so it looked horrible. But I spent my newyears eve 2000 in this place!
My youngest sister Jaqueline.
My other sister, my mom and my "little" brother He's like 40 cm taller than me!
Why so angry? ._.
There was loads of these creepy guys all the way to Illum!
Tom, and in the background you can se a bit of sephora
My mom beside the statue of the worlds tallest man. and she's taller than me!
THIS WAS THE CREEPIEST GUY EVER! but we figured out that it was a dwarf inside of that suit!
One of the walls you see before you go in to Christiania.


Postat av: Sandra

Publicerad 2012-08-01 13:47:28

Åh jag vill också till Köpenhamn och bara strosa runt och shoppa. Fanns det mycket inne på Sephora? Var det dyrt? Vilka produker köpte du? Christiania skulle vara roligt att besöka.. haha. Får bli en visit i Danmark innan årets slut. Helst innan hösten börjar. Tåget härifrån Växjö är så jävla billigt om man bokar i god tid, under 200 kronor enkelresa!

Svar: fanns en hel del, sprang som sagt runt i 1,5 timme innan jag bestämde mig för att köpa lite nakelgrejer samt en brushcleaner, kommer bilder på det i något inlägg när jag letat upp allting :) det är ju asnice!

Postat av: Christel

Publicerad 2012-08-02 00:03:03

Christiania sounds like little Amsterdam, hahaha!
I love the mural!

Svar: exept you are not allowed to carry weapons OR take any heavy drugs like heroin, lcd, horse and stuff. And you are not allowed to use violence. it's really peacefull to be there and people brings their familys with them just to stroll around!

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Makeup enthusiast, Love playing with it, Love buying it and I love to create characters with it. do you have questions or just wants to talk to me in general, please contact me here: [email protected]

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