
I just try to put color into this grey world

Zombie face

Publicerad 2012-08-21 15:53:04 i FOTD - Blue, FOTD - Green, FOTD - White, Makeup,

Well this morning I was a Zombie, I still am. I seriously think someone stole my brain while I was sleeping. Because I've been a mess today. Laughing at stuff that's not even funny and just overall been socially awkward (<-- funny word to spell!) and even now I realized that i was about to take my legwarmers off a moment ago, and totally forgot that! HAHA. OH and yeah, My lash curler accidentially made those two black spots in my inner corner on theleft eye on the picture, and I was seriously to tired to fix that... Aside from that I hope you will like this look!
Maybelline FITme! foundation #110
Maybelline FITme! powder #120
ELF Blush & Contouring palette
Wet n' Wild concealer wheel
NYX jumbopencil Milk
Sugarpill eyeshadow Tako
Sugarpill eyeshadow Acidberry
Sugarpill eyeshadow Velocity
Sugarpill eyeshadow Afterparty
Sugarpill eyeshadow Mochi
Sleek Bad girl palette Innocence
Isadora glossy eyeliner
Yves Rocher Lash plumoing mascara
WARNING! Zombieface D:


Postat av: Kassie

Publicerad 2012-08-21 17:53:59

So pretty!! :D

Svar: haha thank you!

Postat av: mary

Publicerad 2012-09-02 13:05:20

Du är så sjukt snygg :c

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Makeup enthusiast, Love playing with it, Love buying it and I love to create characters with it. do you have questions or just wants to talk to me in general, please contact me here: [email protected]

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