
I just try to put color into this grey world

Sugarpill heartbreaker palette

Publicerad 2012-06-18 23:41:00 i Reviews, Swatches,

I woke up because I got a text saying that I've got mail from my asian lady (amy) and it took me a while to realize that my sugarpill order had finally come. So I rushed down and found that cute little package with the logo on, and I couldn't wait to open it. And this was what I found in it:

Sugarpill sticker
Promo picture
Loose eyeshadow Sample of Magpie
The heartbreaker palette

The pigment sample

And the palette. They've changed the package up a bit, for example it blue instead of that dark purple, And they've change the picture on the back where the names of the colours shows. And I'm so mad at my camera that it won't pick up the pretty colours in this palette.

In comparison with the Burning heart palette and the Sweet heart palette. (you can really see what color I've used the most. hehe...)

Swatches over bare skin. And Mochi won't show up on my fair skin, but it is areally beautifull minty blue green ish!

Again, swatches over bare skin but this time compared to the other sugarpill shades.

I'm really exited about this palette, and I know it's been hyped quite alot since it was released the 18th of may. And I understand why! Sugarpill is one of the most amazing brands I've ever tried so far. And it is quite cheap for $34 (in my opinion) speacially for the amount of product you get and the color payoff!


Postat av: cilla

Publicerad 2012-07-04 18:08:53

Nice! vart köper man sugarpill nånstans? Om du är MU kan ju du få sminka mig på en photodag av phototek ;) Dock har jag ingen aning om när det är då jag icke har fisboken längre! schysst blogg curry. Kramers// Cilla (chrilles tjääj)

Svar: på kan du hitta allt :Dja men varför inte? hadevarit kul faktiskt! vi ska ju ut i kalmar och sminka nu på söndag vet jag. och det kommer att vara i 1800-tals / lik stuk. och om jag inte minns helt fel så söker dom efter modeller med :D

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Makeup enthusiast, Love playing with it, Love buying it and I love to create characters with it. do you have questions or just wants to talk to me in general, please contact me here: [email protected]

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