
I just try to put color into this grey world

Lime Crime Alchemy set

Publicerad 2012-11-06 07:21:00 i Reviews, Swatches,

So, I've got my first order ever from Lime crime yesterday. And I was about to explode when I saw that little purple package in my mailbox. I couldn't even wait until I got in to open it! haha!
It's not a big order at all. even though I'm craving ALL of their lipsticks I decided to settle with the alchemy set. I honestly don't remember right now what I've paid for it (because it's 6.47 in the morning as I write this) but I know that you could by their new palette + their two new lipsticks and get "The Mook" with it ( it like a little book with photos in it, and I've forgot to take photos of it) and that was alot cheaper that if I'd buy them all seperate. so YAY!
Let's start off with the palette:
left to right: Incantanation, Lucky charm, Love Potion no9, Spellbound, Divination.
It's 5 eyeshadows in a tinbox. And I thought it would be heavy as F***, because I own all of the sugarpill palettes, and they are sturdy and fits nice in your hand. This one is more like the sleek palettes, a bit more rectangular, and the thing that bothers me the most; it's plastic that is holding the eyeshadows. Whitch makes me wonder if the palettes really are worth the money, They cost $34.99 and sugarpills costs $34. Sure. it's not that big price difference. and you do actually get 5 colors in it. but what I want to say is that I think sugarpills palettes are more valuable. let me show you why:
As you can see, Sugarpills eyeshadow is much bigger than the one from limecrime. and as you might know. Sugarpills palettes are really sturdy, and made of hard cardboard and feels really goot in your hand + they have a mirror inside of them. And that's what I'm missing in the limecrime palette.
Just a quick side to side comparison with a sugarpill palette (in this case burning heart because it was the first one I grabbed this morning) just so you guys can see the difference.
left to right: Incantanation, Lucky charm, Love Potion no9, Spellbound, Divination.
Packaging and size aside now. the colours in this one is GREAT! they're sooooo soft and really pigmented. I accidetially hit Incantanation and got some on my finger, and it was the tiniest amount when I smeared it out on my hand I could draw a line that was 2 cm long! AND it was highly pigmented! The swatches above is done on bare skin, I have NOTHING underneath it and the only one I could complain about is Divination, But hey! it's no primer underneath!
I almost forgot thelipsticks that I've got! First one out is Serpentina. and it's a dark green colour. As the website says: "think poison Ivy!" and that was the first thing I thought when I saw the picture of this. It's so pretty that I feel a bit sad that I'm such a coward when it comes to lipsticks. I love them. I need every colour. But then it comes to me wearing them? It's likely never going to happen. and specially when its a lucious green like this one! haha
And atlast. this purple beauty. I'll let the swatch speak for itself later.
these lipsticks goes for about $16 i think? (I'm too tired to check out the real price, I'm sorry) and they're really soft and pigmented. And have a small touch of vanilla smell to them. not too much though, but if you really smell them, like I do with everything, you will probably smell it. It's quite pleasant! but I also love everything that smells vanilla!
AAAND swatches of the lipsticks. I was too lazy to put them on my lips. sorry again.
I'm really happy with this order and I will definetly order more from limecrime! even wit hthe complaint about the packaging. :)


Postat av: Sandra

Publicerad 2012-11-06 12:14:54

Yey! Men Lime Crimes produkter går bara att köpa online va? De gömmer sig inte på ställen som Sephora osv?

Svar: Dom går bara att köpa online såvitt jag vet.

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Makeup enthusiast, Love playing with it, Love buying it and I love to create characters with it. do you have questions or just wants to talk to me in general, please contact me here: [email protected]

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