
I just try to put color into this grey world

Makeup Geek Eyeshadows + gel linersl

Publicerad 2013-05-13 12:53:00 i Reviews,

Makeupgeek was kind enough to send me another batch of eyeshadow. And this thime they kindly offered me 3 of their gelliners alos.  I always get happy when they send me that mail where they say that they want me to choose 12 eyeshadows. it just shows how kindly Marlena is and the whole makeupgeek family also. That they care about the talents that is available everywhere in the world, and that not everybody have the money to actually go and get the eyeshadows that they want or need to do a specific look. And this is really smart of them because they are so new, so people gets a chance to try out their producs without spending money on somthing they might not like at all. It have happened to me a couple of times now, where I've spent alot of money on something that i thought would be good, but just turned out to be crap. oh well. On to the products maybe?
The eyeshadows that they offer don't come in a compact just because it's easier to arrange them in a palette of some sort, like the Z palette. So they come in this paper packaging where you can see the name on the backside and the color on the front. it's really neat if you ask me, unfortunately My z palette is full from all the other colours thet I've got, so I need to invest in a new one, but that doesn't bother me since it's so neat to have all of them in one place, And the palette can take 27 of MUGs eyeshadows.

The gelliners comes in a glass jar with a sturdy lid where the pretty logo is. and they're really easy to stock upon eachother if you'd need that, and they have the names of the colours on the bottom, but that's pretty usual.
the gel liners are smooth to apply and are higly pigmented, and they're really easy to take off! I was really afraid of Poison (the red liner) when I first applied it, because I thought it would stain the heck of my skin, but it went off nice and easily with some makeup remover, which was a relief because I was planning to use this on my eyebrows when I want them to stay on a bit more. the only complaint I have on these is that Treasure (the gold) goes on a bit patchy, but it's easy to smooth it out and make it even, so it's not a big deal. I would LOVE if makeupgeek started to make a tiny eyeliner brush that could come with these when you buy them, just like maybelline does, Because not everyone have an eyeliner brush that they can use.
Let's see how the liners look!
And here they are in the full glory! I'm sorry if they look a bit messy, but I couldn't hold myself to play with these before I took photos of them...
Treasure is a light gold, MUG say on their website that it is a yellow. but to me it's more like a yellow gold. That is motsly because of the subtle shimmer that it have.
Fame is a really pretty aquatic teal with a subtle simmer to this, and it just PERFECT for those day when you're lazy and don't want the black liner. and this would be so pretty to use as an eyeshadow base for a blue eyeshadow of some sort!
Poison was the one I had my eyes on from the beginning. This is a red, yes RED eyeliner and it looks SO mych darker in the pot than it actually does once you swatch it. This one id PERFECT for my eyebrows together with MUGs Bitten eyeshadow and like I said before, It does not stain as I thought it would.
These gel liners are available at the Makeupgeek website for $7.99 and they currently have 11 colours to choose from.
Now onto the eyeshadows:
I've told you guys before that I really like these. They're cheap, and they have quality. and who doesn't like that? They go on smoothly without a fuzz, or well atleast the majority of them. I found that White lies goes on a bit patchy, and leaves a bit of fallout when I use it, but that is the only one that I have had problems with so far. The shimmery colours glides on like it was butter! So SMOOTH! and for thei $5.99 it's not a bad deal!
Cosmopolitan: A rose gold with gold flecks and a shimmery finish. if I understood Marlena right, this is supposed to be a really good dupe for a MAC eyeshadow that is/was limited edition, I just can't remember which one!
Mango Tango: A peacy ping with flecks of gold. I really haven't tried this one yes, but it looks STUNNING in the swatches!
Chickadee:Matte orange yellow. This one was kind of an dissapointment for me. because if you look on the website it looks like a crazy bright orange. And I have a soft spot for bright orange. and I thought it woul look kind of like Mandarine, but without the gold flecks, but as you can see; it's more of a mustard orange.. if that makes any sense..?
White lies: A matte pure white. it's really nothing more to say. although. it is not as pigmented as Tako from sugarpill. it's still a nice white eyeshadow, IF you get it to bee smoth and not patchy.
Cupcake: A matte medium pink. This one would be pefect if you one day would like to wear pink. But don't want that crazy bright pink that a lot of teenagers (and me) wears from time to time. And this would also be perfect to blend out those bright pinst with also! or in a sokey eye for a hint of color!
Simply Marlena: Rosey pink with purple undertone and gold flecks. This is a new eyeshadow to the MUG collection, And I simply love the color! it's a bright pink. but not as crazy that most of the pinks are. And this looks gorgeous if you have blue eyes!
Sensuous: Shimmery purple with flecks of shimmer. I don't know about purple. This turned out more like a dark burgundy red when I swatched it. Maybe with a hint of purple. I thought it would be like Drama Queen, Just a bit lighter and with more shimmer to it..
Stealth: A Matte true grey. I've been looking like CRAZY for a matte grey color that is not of poor quality AND HERE IT IS! This one is PERFECT for a smokey eye, or if you want to use it like I'm going to; Contour guys (with datk beard) and dead people. or well. not dead as in dead, bur more "dead" like when you do a ghost makeup or something!
Shimmermint: Metallic mint green with gld shimmer. how perfect doesn't that sound? I'm crazy about green eyeshadows and I want everyone that is available! and I have never seen a colour like this before!
Appletini: Shimmery apple green with flecks of gold. i must say, I love that marlena uses flecks of gold instead of silver in her eyeshadows, it makes it more special that way, and in this case; suits perfectly with this green!
Sea Mist: Shimmer turqoise. I actually can't put my finger on this color. depending on what you pair it with, it's either green, or blue. So strange if you ask me, because i'm used to turqoise colors that either leans to the blue or green side, not both!
Envy: Deep metallic green. This color reminds me of a pair of eyeshadows that Viva La Diva released several years ago, They look black, but when the light hit them they turned into differend colors depending on which one you've got. I only got my hand on Thunderstruck. Which was the blue one, but I know they had a green and a red. My friend Victora have the green one and it is SOOO prettieh! And envy reminds me just about that one actually!
These eyeshadows are available at the Makeupgeek website for $5.99
I do hope you've enjoyed this, and look forward to see more reviews from me :)


Postat av: Anna

Publicerad 2013-05-13 18:05:40

Åh, jag har tittat på deras skuggor i snart två år! Har aldrig haft råd att beställa, för det känns inte kul att betala flera hundra i frakt för bara någon enstaka skugga, när man vill ha en hel palett.... Om man ändå hade pengar! Älskar duofärgerna!

Svar: dom är hur fina som helst! men dom har ju små "paket" där man får 9 ögonskuggor och en palett till :)

Postat av: Hattis

Publicerad 2013-05-13 22:28:13

Oh, du borde göra en "vanlig" sotning av Appletini, Sea Mist och Envy. :3

Svar: Försökte göra det häromdagen, men det blev inte som jag ville så var tvungen att ta bort det igen, och sen göra om den, och så höll det på några gånger tills mitt ansikte började svida för att jag skrubbat sp löjligt mycket :(

Postat av: Katia

Publicerad 2013-05-15 20:42:06

Jag har funderat på att köpa några av deras ögonskugger ganska länge nu, och jag läste på deras hemsida att leveranstiden kunde vara upp till 10 veckor. Ungefär hur lång tid tog det för dig? :)

Svar: när jag beställde läppstiften som jag har + två av ögonskuggorna så tog det lite mer än en vecka. och när dom har skickat ut det till mig så har jag haft det i brevlådan några dagar efter att jag mailat dom om vilja färger jag skulle vilja ha

Postat av: Johanna (Jolimas beautyblog)

Publicerad 2013-05-15 23:50:01

Guuuuud så fina! Jag MÅSTE ha poison.

Svar: Den är sjukt fin!

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Makeup enthusiast, Love playing with it, Love buying it and I love to create characters with it. do you have questions or just wants to talk to me in general, please contact me here: [email protected]

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