
I just try to put color into this grey world

Todays Look - Bronzed Goddess

Publicerad 2013-09-04 10:51:00 i FOTD - Brown, Makeup,

It's less than 24 hours left on the giveaway, Have you entered yet for a chance to win?
Oh my! You can really see in these pictures that I haven't sleept well in quite a while now. Not even all the concealer in the world are able to cover up what's going on under my eyes. And on top of that my eyebrow skin decided to go superdry on me because I went in an waxed by eyebrows for the first time this summer (i've been trying to let them gor out so they could be quite even) and even though I've done everything like I always to, it decided to go Lizard mode. Oh well, really nothing you can do about it, it usually dissapears in aweek or so.
And I also stepped out of my comfort zone and actually wore a bright red/pink lip! I love these kinds of colors, But for some reason, whenever I'm going out with a statement lip like this, I always wipe it off right before I go out the door. but I just love this color from makeupgeek! it looks more pink in these pictures though. it is more on the red side with a hint of pink to it. But it's SO gorgeous!

Maybelline FITme! Foundation #120
Maybelline FITme! Concealer #15
Isadora Velvet Touch Compact Powder #10 Sheer Transparent
10 Blush Palette  Dusty rose
Urban Decay Eyeshadow Virgin
Mother Home Contouring Palette

TFSI ModelCo Bronzed Godess PaletteMUG Eyeshadow White LiesMUG Eyeshadow Corrupt
Be a Bombshell Eyeliner Onyx
The Body Shop Super volume Mascara

MUG Lipstick Luscious



Postat av: anonym

Publicerad 2013-09-05 22:56:37

Kan du göra en tutorial på den här sminkningen? :)

Svar: ja men visst :)

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Makeup enthusiast, Love playing with it, Love buying it and I love to create characters with it. do you have questions or just wants to talk to me in general, please contact me here: [email protected]

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